Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Character Traits Worth Developing

This comes from a tiny square of paper that my Dad gave me once, put out by the "Character Counts Coalition." I thought it would be a nice reminder for everyone as human beings.

1. Be honest. Tell the truth; be sincere; don'te mislead or withhold key information; don't steal.

2. Demonstrate integrity. Stand up for your beliefs about right and wrong; be your best self; resist social pressure to do wrong.

3. Keep promises. Keep your word and honor commitments; pay your debts; return what you borrow.

4. Be loyal. Stand by family, friends, employers, community and country; don't talk about people behind their backs.

5. Be responsible. Think before you act; consider consequences; be accountable, and "take your medicine."

6. Pursue excellence. Do your best with what you have; don't quit easily.

7. Be kind and caring. Show you care by generosity and compassion; don't be selfish or mean.

8. Treat all people with respect. Be courteous and polite; judge people on their merits; be tolerant, appreciative, and accepting of differences.

9. Be fair. Be open-minded; listen to others and try to understand what they are saying and feeling.

10. Be a good citizen. Obey laws and respect authority; vote; volunteer; protect the environment.



Anonymous said...

wonderful post tink. Many of the world's problems would more easily dealt with if humans cared more about their character.

Thanks for sharing. I think I'll be reposting this on my blog.

Anonymous said...

yep, sounds about right.

Anonymous said...

If each person helped just one person (namely themselves) carry those attributes, the world would be a beautiful place...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. You do pretty well on these! We all need to keep working on them every day.

Our Savior is our perfect example.

Lord bless your efforts!