My Dad and I took a little random roadtrip today to Grass Valley and Nevada City. We had a lot of fun, but stupid me forgot to take pictures of EVERYTHING. All I did take pics of was when we went into the sporting goods store and tried on all the miliary hats. But that in itself pretty much sums up the day. When my Dad and I vacation, we run around being silly and laughing histarically in between the moments where we learn about history (we do love our history). Today I learned that Nevada City has the oldest, original theatre in the state and that Lola Montez (a Dutchess from Buvaria) lived in Grass Valley during the gold rush and caused all kinds of trouble when she moved in to town with her two monkey's and pet bear. I loved her story, she was something else, let's put it that way. Anyway, I hope my Dad enjoy's his retirement and that there will be more random roadtrips to come.
It was great fun, Sweetie! I love spending time with you (even random time).
ha, that's pretty funny
road trips are awesome.
glad you had a good time.
d:- D
where's the Sunday thoughtful quote? :-)
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