Chloe and I are now raving over this new site my Mom discovered. It's like a scrapbook, but on the computer and like powerpoint, but a blog. You can even post it on your blog and you can upload your pics from flickr. Also it's totally free! This is what I will be spending my free time doing from here on out, besides the free time that I will be baking like I promised before. Anyway, it's called Scrapblog
Here is my scapblog: AXiD Formal
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
The "true" meaning of Christmas
"Aren't we forgeting the true meaning of Christmas? You know, the birth of Santa." -Matt Groening (The Simpsons)
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Let the baking begin!
Finally my cooking block is over. I have been so busy lately that I have forgotten my love for cooking. But its back!! Today Dale and I made four coffee cakes and cinnamon rolls, so yummy. The good news for you all is that the Martha in me is back! You all can look forward to eating really well over the next few months. Plus if you want to help me make anything that is also appreciated because cooking with friends is the most fun =) Merry Christmas everyone!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
A good thing to hear right now
"I may not have gone where I inteded to go, but I think that I have ended up where I needed to be." -Douglas Adams
Monday, December 04, 2006
A Formal Affair

Saturday night was our Alpha Xi Delta Formal! So exciting =) Lindsey and I spent the day getting ready for our dates to arrive. They looked very handsome all dressed up, I like it when guys dress up because you don't often see them in that way. Lindsey and I and our dates went with four other couples in a limo to the Almond Pavillion in Oakdale (I still have no idea where that is cuz I couldn't see out of the limo). The place we had the dance at was actually really nice. It was decorated all pretty and had a really cool staircase and glass elevator. We took tons of pictures of course, because that is what sorority girls do! I had so much fun with my date and my sisters. There were so many hilarious moments. Alpha Xi Delta forever =)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Well the weather outside is frightful...
Today was COLD!! I wore a heavy jacket, a scarf and gloves! Maybe I was wrong but I thought that I lived in California, the land of sand and sun? I do like winter for the aspects of curling up by the fire (when I had a fireplace), hot cocoa, and snow but the biting cold I could live without. Oh well I guess I will have to learn to like it =) So here is a tip for everyone about the cold, I learned this today in class from a woman that lived in Alaska, really it's common sense but its a good thing to remember. She said that when you look outside in the morning and the sky is clear its going to be REALLY cold. But if you look outside and there are clouds its going to be warmer because clouds serve as insulation keeping the earth's warmth in =) Happy winter everyone!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Sew Exciting
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families. I had a fun time at home with the rents, we got a lot of good hang out time in and of course laughed a lot because my parents are hilarious. Plus there was the visit to my Grandpa's rest home, "put it on the counter" will never have the same meaning to me lol. Also with Thanksgiving comes the after Thanksgiving madness known as shopping! In my attempt to lay low this holiday my Mom and I only ventured to Wal-Mart this year, and we didn't get up at any crazy times, we went at 9. We totally expected the parking lot to be overcrowded but it wasn't, and we expected millions of people to be inside the store and there wasn't. Yay for going to the upscale Wal-mart! Apperantly, richer neighborhoods could care less about sales. My Mumsie (as I often call her) and I went there to buy my early Christmas present, a sewing machine!! My mom taught me to sew a long time ago and I have been making things off and on ever since, but I never had my own machine, and now I do! I can't wait to start making things. I already sewed my greek letters on a shirt and got all kinds of cool accessories to go with my machine. Oh which I forgot to mention is a "Brother," and it's green and white. I still need to come up with a good name for it, so if anyone has suggestions feel free to submit them. So now that winter is coming you may find me tucked away in my room stiching into all hours of the night hehe I love it. I can't wait to start a project. Hopefully, I will have enough time to make something cool soon.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Making Thanksgiving a Little More Exciting (if thats even possible)
Ok so this is mostly for my journalist friends but anyone can use it. I love it I think it's amazing! My teacher told our class to go check out this site: as a resource for our stories. You can find out anything from this thing, its freaking awesome! Enjoy all and happy turkey day!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Fall is here!!
Fall has arrived and I am super excited! I have always had a love for the autumn season for some reason. Partially it is because I like the rich warm colors like red, orange, and yellow. The trees around campus look AMAZING right now. I can see them out of mmy window and it makes me happy. Also fall means that the air is going to be crisp, and that I can start wearing all my warm comfy clothes, and scarves!! Oh how I do love scarves, I had my Mom bring a whole bag of them down for me she came to visit last month. I knew I would be needing them, and when I was sick Lindsey and I decided that it was both fashionable and healing to wear them around the apartment when we got cold. Another reason that I like fall is that I have secretly always wanted to get married in the fall. Forget the spring and its allergy filled air or the summer and its sweatyness, its all about the fall baby! Anyway, I hope you all are enjoying the fall as much as I am, and if you aren't, get into the spirit =)
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
The problem we have here is that this chicken won't realize that he
must first deal with the problem on "THIS" side of the road before it
goes after the problem on the "OTHER SIDE" of the road. What we need to
do is help him realize how stupid he's acting by not taking on his
"CURRENT" problems before adding "NEW" problems.
Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why he
wants to cross this road so bad. So instead of having the chicken learn
from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life, I'm going to
give this chicken a car so that he can just drive across the road and
not live his life like the rest of the chickens.
We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to
know if the chicken is on our side of the road, or not. The chicken is
either against us, or for us. There is no middle ground here.
Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see the satellite image
of the chicken crossing the road.
We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been
allowed to have access to the other side of the road.
Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against
it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the
chicken's intentions! I am for it now, and will remain against it.
That chicken crossed the road because he's GUILTY! You can see it in
his eyes and the way he walks.
To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American.
No one called me to warn me which way that chicken was going. I had a
standing order at the Farmer's Market to sell my eggs when the price
dropped to a certain level.
Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the
chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told.
To die in the rain. Alone.
In my day we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody
told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough.
Isn't that interesting? In a few moments, we will be listening to the
chicken tell, for the first time, the heart warming story of how it
experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish its
life-long dream of crossing the road.
Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing roads together - in
It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.
I have just released eChicken2006, which will not only cross roads, but
will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your check
book. Internet explorer is an integral part of eChicken. The platform
is much more stable and will never cra...#@&&^( C \..... reboot.
Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the
I did not cross the road with THAT chicken. What is your definition of
I invented the chicken!
Did I miss one?
The problem we have here is that this chicken won't realize that he
must first deal with the problem on "THIS" side of the road before it
goes after the problem on the "OTHER SIDE" of the road. What we need to
do is help him realize how stupid he's acting by not taking on his
"CURRENT" problems before adding "NEW" problems.
Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why he
wants to cross this road so bad. So instead of having the chicken learn
from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life, I'm going to
give this chicken a car so that he can just drive across the road and
not live his life like the rest of the chickens.
We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to
know if the chicken is on our side of the road, or not. The chicken is
either against us, or for us. There is no middle ground here.
Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see the satellite image
of the chicken crossing the road.
We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been
allowed to have access to the other side of the road.
Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against
it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the
chicken's intentions! I am for it now, and will remain against it.
That chicken crossed the road because he's GUILTY! You can see it in
his eyes and the way he walks.
To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American.
No one called me to warn me which way that chicken was going. I had a
standing order at the Farmer's Market to sell my eggs when the price
dropped to a certain level.
Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the
chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told.
To die in the rain. Alone.
In my day we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody
told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough.
Isn't that interesting? In a few moments, we will be listening to the
chicken tell, for the first time, the heart warming story of how it
experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish its
life-long dream of crossing the road.
Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing roads together - in
It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.
I have just released eChicken2006, which will not only cross roads, but
will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your check
book. Internet explorer is an integral part of eChicken. The platform
is much more stable and will never cra...#@&&^( C \..... reboot.
Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the
I did not cross the road with THAT chicken. What is your definition of
I invented the chicken!
Did I miss one?
Friday, October 13, 2006
Today was a good quote day...
"Either I've been missing something or nothing has been going on."
-Karen Elzabeth Gordon
*This is for the journalist in me =)
"Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use."
-Wendell Johnson
*This reminds me of convos had with friends about relationships
"At the age of eleven or thereabouts women aquire a poise and an ability to handle difficult situations which a man, if he is lucky, manages to achieve somewhere in the later seventies."
-P.G. Wodehouse
*Oh and this one was just my favorite as a woman
-Karen Elzabeth Gordon
*This is for the journalist in me =)
"Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use."
-Wendell Johnson
*This reminds me of convos had with friends about relationships
"At the age of eleven or thereabouts women aquire a poise and an ability to handle difficult situations which a man, if he is lucky, manages to achieve somewhere in the later seventies."
-P.G. Wodehouse
*Oh and this one was just my favorite as a woman
Oktoberfest Part 2
So basically Oktoberfest was amazing. I had so much fun! I got into the office a half an hour early because I ran out of things to do at home and of course was antsy to get started on everything. So at 9:30, decked out in my UPB gear I skipped to the office. Good thing I went in early cuz just after I did the Carnival Services people were there ready to set up the wheel. So I had to go out to the field and show them and the groundspeople where it was going to go. As soon as they drove their truck out onto the field the drama started. There was discussion that the ferris wheel was smaller than the one we saw online and that it was too kidish and not old fashioned looking like someone thought it should have looked. Although on a day like this with a large event like this you have to choose your battles. I talked to the ferris wheel operators and told them not to worry about anything. I went back inside, called various people to burn off steam and checked out the website. I thought the ferris wheel we recieved was exactly the one that we had ordered, so I told everyone that, and it was determined that as long as I was satisfied that was all that mattered. That's right, cuz its my event and I'm the boss! ;) Sorry mini power trip.
Anyway, after that I started setting up the pergola and driving around on the cart with Leah and Kristen putting everything to where it was supposed to go. Everyone from work was really helpful and even some of the Theta Chi guys came out to help, which was awesome! I don't think we would have started on time or been able to clean up so fast without them. Once the actual event started I knew it was going to be great. We had a steady group of people all day long. They rode the ferris wheel, jumed on the bungee trampoline and ate all the the yummy German food (which actually I thought was just "ok"). However, the popcorn machine and the cotton candy were big hits and really did taste yummy. Also I had invited the Global Affairs office out to have a table so students could learn about studying abroad. Now the most amazing part to me was the DJ. I booked DJ Marquis on a suggestion from Bill who had seen him at Stockton's Family Fun Day. He was the best! He got the crowd really involved, and played great music. Leah and I were discussing after the event how we were amazed that the karaoke went over so well. Basically all the DJ did was have people sing karaoke, he even got me to go up there, but only with a group of course. Sing by myself, yeah right. So overall I think the event was a hit, and that makes me happy. I am only satisfied with an event if I know that the students are enjoying themselves. Thank you to everyone who came out to see me, or helped with the event you guys are awesome!
Anyway, after that I started setting up the pergola and driving around on the cart with Leah and Kristen putting everything to where it was supposed to go. Everyone from work was really helpful and even some of the Theta Chi guys came out to help, which was awesome! I don't think we would have started on time or been able to clean up so fast without them. Once the actual event started I knew it was going to be great. We had a steady group of people all day long. They rode the ferris wheel, jumed on the bungee trampoline and ate all the the yummy German food (which actually I thought was just "ok"). However, the popcorn machine and the cotton candy were big hits and really did taste yummy. Also I had invited the Global Affairs office out to have a table so students could learn about studying abroad. Now the most amazing part to me was the DJ. I booked DJ Marquis on a suggestion from Bill who had seen him at Stockton's Family Fun Day. He was the best! He got the crowd really involved, and played great music. Leah and I were discussing after the event how we were amazed that the karaoke went over so well. Basically all the DJ did was have people sing karaoke, he even got me to go up there, but only with a group of course. Sing by myself, yeah right. So overall I think the event was a hit, and that makes me happy. I am only satisfied with an event if I know that the students are enjoying themselves. Thank you to everyone who came out to see me, or helped with the event you guys are awesome!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I am running my Oktoberfest carnival today complete with free food and ferris wheel!! So excited! Stay tuned to find out how the event went and for pics.
Monday, October 02, 2006
I <3 Alpha Xi Delta
So if any of you don't know I have joined the Alpha Xi Delta sorority! (by the way the Xi is pronounced Z) My sisters are an amazing group of girls and I can't wait to get to know them all more. I never thought that I would be so peppy or excited about this kind of thing. But really its been a good thing, it has already taught me so much about myself. I learned to be brave and do something on my own that none of my friends were doing. I now know that I can do something totally new and outside of my normal self without holding back. I also think that sorority life brings me back to my Girl Scout days with a little bit of cheerleader thrown in. But again this is a good thing because it keeps me cheery and in a good mood and if I am ever not in a good mod I have my sisters there for me to pick me up. There are so many opportunities to me now in community service, scholarships, and sisterhood, I can't wait to get started and get involved. Being in a sorority is not like being in a club or hanging out with a casual group of friends. Its a lifelong commitment. My grandma would be so proud and I wish that she could be here to see me doing something that she loved so much and that was so much of a part of her life. I love you Grandma! This is for you.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Anyone want to get leave society with me and live in the wild?
I hope that this satisfies my loyal readers who have been so nice as to demand that I write a new blog ;)
After spending three hours in the mall this morning I started thinking about how out of place I felt. Did I really want to walk around and buy more stuff? Now I do love clothes, but for the fashion and the creativity. I actually dispise the act of shopping and paying for clothes. I think all clothes should be free. Clothes are a form of expression. If we can have free speech and freedom of religion, why can't we have free clothes? This should be something that the government provides for its citizens. I am venturing to guess that soon clothes are going to be just too expensive for some people and I don't want walk around in a society where people aren't wearing clothes becasuse they can't afford them, ew. This may sound a bit materialistic and dumb but really my whole point is that society is getting ridiculous. Can't we all just do our own thing? I mean yesterday I saw an eight year old girl (or younger) using her camera phone!?!? I didn't have a cell phone when I was eight and I lived! What is the world coming to?
"Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house that you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it." Ellen Goodman
After spending three hours in the mall this morning I started thinking about how out of place I felt. Did I really want to walk around and buy more stuff? Now I do love clothes, but for the fashion and the creativity. I actually dispise the act of shopping and paying for clothes. I think all clothes should be free. Clothes are a form of expression. If we can have free speech and freedom of religion, why can't we have free clothes? This should be something that the government provides for its citizens. I am venturing to guess that soon clothes are going to be just too expensive for some people and I don't want walk around in a society where people aren't wearing clothes becasuse they can't afford them, ew. This may sound a bit materialistic and dumb but really my whole point is that society is getting ridiculous. Can't we all just do our own thing? I mean yesterday I saw an eight year old girl (or younger) using her camera phone!?!? I didn't have a cell phone when I was eight and I lived! What is the world coming to?
"Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house that you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it." Ellen Goodman
Monday, September 11, 2006
Instead of putting up a quote for my food for thought I decided to switch it up with a wesite instead. This is really cool!! Or at least to me it is since I am studying the media to be part of the media one day. Check it out! You might even learn something (gasp!).
Saturday, September 02, 2006
So now I am offically moved in. My roomies are here, my stuff is all organized and I feel all settled in. Despite all this I have this feeling like something is off, I just can't figure out what it is. But oh well, I still think that this year is going to AWESOME!! I can feel it. So basically I have mixed feelings, but that is to be expected. I just wish classes would start so I can get back into the swing of things. I feel like I am just waiting for stuff to happen, I want it to start happening. NOW!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Food for thought, from where I keep my food
This wonderful tid-bit comes from my favorite magnet on my fridge. It is my motto for how I live my life.
"DANCE as though no one is watching you. LOVE as though you have never been hurt before. SING as though no one can hear you. LIVE as though heaven is on earth."- Souza
"DANCE as though no one is watching you. LOVE as though you have never been hurt before. SING as though no one can hear you. LIVE as though heaven is on earth."- Souza
Monday, August 21, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Random Dad & Daughter Roadtrip
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Carpe Diem!
"Too many people are thinking of security rather than opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death."– James F. Byrnes (1879-1972)
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Summer Ups and Downs
The summer is finally winding down, I have 4 days of work left and I am moving back to school in 2 weeks. So of course I am starting to get nostalgic again. Last year at this time I was getting ready to move out for the first time and start a whole new life experience at college. Now I have done the whole freshman year of college thing and am getting ready to do it again for sophomore year. This summer was amazing, I went to exciting places, worked, and learned a whole lot about myself and people in general. I also have noticed that life is going by faster thanever. Which is why I plan on savoring every moment of this year. I am so excited to move into the new place with my roomies who I haven't seen very much of this summer. In a few weeks I won't have to feel like I am just waiting around for life to happen, it will be happening and I will be loving every minute of it.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
I <3 You Oprah (Two for One Special)
Today's Tink's Food For Thought comes from a lovely/ over the top rich talk show host. You rock Oprah Winfrey! One day you will take over the world.
"Lot's of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down."
"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side and it holds the world together."
"Lot's of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down."
"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side and it holds the world together."
Monday, July 31, 2006
Girl's Night Out
Saturday night the girls and I went to the Crocker for a film viewing of "Unzipped." A documentary on Isaac Mizrahi as he put out his 1994 fashion line. It was soo good, and soo funny. Isaac is crazy, yet hilarious. I love how his line was inspired by old movies. Cuz I also love old movies, there is something more classic, clean, and fantastic about them. Anyway, Saturday was really fun, one of the best nights of the summer.
Tink's Food for Thought
I wasn't home on Sunday so I couldn't type any words of wisdom. So I am making up for it one day later. So today's morsel is:
"Where all think alike, no one thinks very much" - Walter Lippmann, journalist (1889-1974)
"Where all think alike, no one thinks very much" - Walter Lippmann, journalist (1889-1974)
Monday, July 24, 2006
Today Part 1 & 2
Part One: I discovered last night that I am older than Miss Universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What!?!?! Yes, the new Miss Universe a.k.a Miss Puerto Rico (very gorgeous btw) is only 18 years old. In fact a quarter of the girls in the contest last night were younger than me. This hit me hard and made me feel super old.
Part Two: I have been bonding with the processed food files at work for the last few weeks. All the while secretly snickering at the names of some of the companies. So after collecting a few favs I decided I have to share them with you all.
Part Two: I have been bonding with the processed food files at work for the last few weeks. All the while secretly snickering at the names of some of the companies. So after collecting a few favs I decided I have to share them with you all.
1) Snak King Inc. (sound it out if that helps)
2) In a Jam Co.
3) Bimbo Bakeries USA (I'd really like to know what they sell and who works there)
4) Sucy Lady
5) California Day Fresh Foods- Naked Juice
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Tink's Food for Thought
So I have seen lots of people put a word of the day on their blog, or a quote of the week, etc. I have decided to jump on the band wagon with "Tink's Food for Thought," which is perfect since I also love food! ;) Anyway, every Sunday I will be posting a vocab word, quote, fact, song lyric or what ever I feel inspired by, and wish to keep you all thinking about for the rest of the week. So stay tuned!
This week's quote:
"It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned english- up to fifty used words in correct context- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese." - Carl Sagan (1934-1996) American Astronomer, Astrobiologist
This week's quote:
"It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned english- up to fifty used words in correct context- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese." - Carl Sagan (1934-1996) American Astronomer, Astrobiologist
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Forever 21 Evangelists
I went shopping the other day at Forever 21, and today as I was putting my purchase away and folding up the bag, I noticed something interesting. Printed on the bottom of the bag were the words John 3:16. Which for those of you who don't know is:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
After I noticed that I turned to the internet to find out what other people were saying about it. Most people thought it was cool, some were against the idea of a store promoting chrisianity and others were just plain confused as to why a company would do that. Well I think its pretty cool. Its a nice subtle way of expressing their beliefs. And apperantly its working, at least in the capacity that lots of people are looking up the verse in their bibles (if they have them or use them).
Forever 21 is not the first corporation to do this sort of witnessing. In-N-Out and Alaska Airlines also use religious verses on their products.
So what do you guys think?
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
After I noticed that I turned to the internet to find out what other people were saying about it. Most people thought it was cool, some were against the idea of a store promoting chrisianity and others were just plain confused as to why a company would do that. Well I think its pretty cool. Its a nice subtle way of expressing their beliefs. And apperantly its working, at least in the capacity that lots of people are looking up the verse in their bibles (if they have them or use them).
Forever 21 is not the first corporation to do this sort of witnessing. In-N-Out and Alaska Airlines also use religious verses on their products.
So what do you guys think?
Monday, July 10, 2006
Lessons From Failure to Launch
So this is terrible but partially true. I watched Failure to Launch yesterday and something Sarah Jessica Parker said was interesting.
"All you have to do to get a guy to fall in love with you is look pretty, be nice to them, find out what they like and then pretend to like it too, share and emotional experience, let them teach you something and get the 'nod' of approval from their friends" and you are golden. You boys are so simple ;) ok not really, but that is pretty much the formula. Hate me if you want but its true.
"All you have to do to get a guy to fall in love with you is look pretty, be nice to them, find out what they like and then pretend to like it too, share and emotional experience, let them teach you something and get the 'nod' of approval from their friends" and you are golden. You boys are so simple ;) ok not really, but that is pretty much the formula. Hate me if you want but its true.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
tink: ok weird, anderson cooper and eric have the same laugh
nutmeg: weird
tink: (watching the daily show, he is a guest)
nutmeg: i figured
tink: and its a repeat
tink: how can you REPEAT the news??....
nutmeg: lol
nutmeg: it's fake news kinda...that's how they get away with reruns
tink: well yeah and its comedy central, but still
tink: its like playing a playoff basketball game 2 nights in a row
nutmeg: lol
tink: i mean people already will know how it turns out, its just not right
tink: i am so blogging this lol
nutmeg: dork
tink: hehe i know
tink: and i mean this exact convo
tink: cut and paste
nutmeg: haha
nutmeg: you should include this part too
tink: oh i will
nutmeg: where you talk about blogging it
tink: ha yes!
tink: i love it
tink: ok it ends there
nutmeg: ok
tink: i mean here
tink: if i had an arrow i would be pointing to this exact spot in time
nutmeg: now you should add in this part because you sound funny, a little crazy
tink: what can i say i'm a dork at heart
nutmeg: i know
tink: and blonde on the outside =)
nutmeg: haha
tink: ok seriously stopping and pasting now
tink: ok now
tink: ok weird, anderson cooper and eric have the same laugh
nutmeg: weird
tink: (watching the daily show, he is a guest)
nutmeg: i figured
tink: and its a repeat
tink: how can you REPEAT the news??....
nutmeg: lol
nutmeg: it's fake news kinda...that's how they get away with reruns
tink: well yeah and its comedy central, but still
tink: its like playing a playoff basketball game 2 nights in a row
nutmeg: lol
tink: i mean people already will know how it turns out, its just not right
tink: i am so blogging this lol
nutmeg: dork
tink: hehe i know
tink: and i mean this exact convo
tink: cut and paste
nutmeg: haha
nutmeg: you should include this part too
tink: oh i will
nutmeg: where you talk about blogging it
tink: ha yes!
tink: i love it
tink: ok it ends there
nutmeg: ok
tink: i mean here
tink: if i had an arrow i would be pointing to this exact spot in time
nutmeg: now you should add in this part because you sound funny, a little crazy
tink: what can i say i'm a dork at heart
nutmeg: i know
tink: and blonde on the outside =)
nutmeg: haha
tink: ok seriously stopping and pasting now
tink: ok now
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Character Traits Worth Developing
This comes from a tiny square of paper that my Dad gave me once, put out by the "Character Counts Coalition." I thought it would be a nice reminder for everyone as human beings.
1. Be honest. Tell the truth; be sincere; don'te mislead or withhold key information; don't steal.
2. Demonstrate integrity. Stand up for your beliefs about right and wrong; be your best self; resist social pressure to do wrong.
3. Keep promises. Keep your word and honor commitments; pay your debts; return what you borrow.
4. Be loyal. Stand by family, friends, employers, community and country; don't talk about people behind their backs.
5. Be responsible. Think before you act; consider consequences; be accountable, and "take your medicine."
6. Pursue excellence. Do your best with what you have; don't quit easily.
7. Be kind and caring. Show you care by generosity and compassion; don't be selfish or mean.
8. Treat all people with respect. Be courteous and polite; judge people on their merits; be tolerant, appreciative, and accepting of differences.
9. Be fair. Be open-minded; listen to others and try to understand what they are saying and feeling.
10. Be a good citizen. Obey laws and respect authority; vote; volunteer; protect the environment.
1. Be honest. Tell the truth; be sincere; don'te mislead or withhold key information; don't steal.
2. Demonstrate integrity. Stand up for your beliefs about right and wrong; be your best self; resist social pressure to do wrong.
3. Keep promises. Keep your word and honor commitments; pay your debts; return what you borrow.
4. Be loyal. Stand by family, friends, employers, community and country; don't talk about people behind their backs.
5. Be responsible. Think before you act; consider consequences; be accountable, and "take your medicine."
6. Pursue excellence. Do your best with what you have; don't quit easily.
7. Be kind and caring. Show you care by generosity and compassion; don't be selfish or mean.
8. Treat all people with respect. Be courteous and polite; judge people on their merits; be tolerant, appreciative, and accepting of differences.
9. Be fair. Be open-minded; listen to others and try to understand what they are saying and feeling.
10. Be a good citizen. Obey laws and respect authority; vote; volunteer; protect the environment.
Friday, June 30, 2006
ADIDAF: All Day I Dream About FILES!
Oh man work is exhausting. I can't say that I love it, but its something to do, experience and $$$. So its perfect for a summer job (very short lived thank goodness!). Anyway since I am now supremely busy and get home after 6 and have to go to bed by 11 I have limited time. =/ So part of the time at work I answer phones and sometimes we get people calling in to complain about bad food, or water, etc. However, wednesday I got a more interesting call. This guy called in saying that he owned a store in LA and wanted to know the regulations or health codes on if people brought him USED toilets if he could resell them! Oh man my co-workers and I got a good laugh out of that one. Sorry toilet man but I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be allowed.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Change of Plans
Ok so since I've started my new job and will be going to Oregon tomorrow I think I have changed my mind about writing out what happened on my Boston trip. For one, I lack the energy to type it all, and two, I think it sounds better to tell it in person. So if you want to get the scoop I guess you will have to wait until we see eachother again in person. Alright off to the gym! (how I find the energy to work out I have no idea, a long nap is next on the agenda) Peace
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Honey I'm Home
So I am now officially back from Boston/Rhode Island/New Hampshire/Salem/Connecticut/New York City! I had a blast, one of the best vacations I have ever taken. It was so fun and so much stuff happened. I am debating whether to blog it all or not. So what do you guys think, you want to hear the full story?
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
I <3 Boston!
Boston is amazing! Its prety awesome here. K's Dad is a really good cook so we are eating great food. Today we went on a DUK (duck) tour, its an amphibious vehicle that you can take around the city. Tomorrow we are going to Rhode Island to see K's aunt for lunch. Thursday we are either going to Maine or Cape Cod, we haven't decided yet. Then its off to New York where we are going to stay at a hotel in Time Square! I'm so excited!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
My Triceps Hurt
So I got a gym membership for the summer (so I will be buff by the end of summer ;)). After going for my first week all that is sore are my triceps. I'm not sure how I managed that one, but for now I can't move my arms in certain positions, ouch!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Interesting Juxtaposition
So as I was flipping through the phonebook for 24 hour fitness (i'm going to the gym again! so excited!) I noticed that in the A's this appears: Abortion–Accident
Hmm interesting juxtaposition I think, or maybe a reverse before and after?
Hmm interesting juxtaposition I think, or maybe a reverse before and after?
Ladybug, Ladybug
As I was driving to bible study this afternoon I noticed that there was a ladybug on my driver's side window. It got on at Hickory Ave. and flew off at Auburn Blvd. where I assume it went to join friends at the park for a picnic of aphids.
-Tink =)
-Tink =)
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Quotes from some of my favorite women:
"We all need a splash of bad taste is what I am against." -Diana Vreeland
"My secret is positive thinking and no drinking." -Mae West
"A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are for." -Anonymous
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt
"For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you'll never walk alone." -Audrey Hepburn
"Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly." -Julie Andrews (that one's for you Mark)
"If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it." -Lucy Larcom
"In friendship we must love our friends for their sake, rather than our own." -Charlotte Bronte
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not naturally exist in nature." -Helen Keller
"Taking joy in life is a woman's best cosmetic." -Rosalind Russell
"I avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward." -Charlotte Bronte
"My secret is positive thinking and no drinking." -Mae West
"A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are for." -Anonymous
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt
"For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you'll never walk alone." -Audrey Hepburn
"Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly." -Julie Andrews (that one's for you Mark)
"If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it." -Lucy Larcom
"In friendship we must love our friends for their sake, rather than our own." -Charlotte Bronte
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not naturally exist in nature." -Helen Keller
"Taking joy in life is a woman's best cosmetic." -Rosalind Russell
"I avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward." -Charlotte Bronte
I think this came from Nike and I like it
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing
Friday, June 02, 2006
When I die I want a coloring book made about my life, please
It's amazing what you can find when you actually clean your room. I was moving books around in my bookshelf and discovered that I currently am the proud owner of two coloring books: "The Prince and Princess of Wales–A Royal Coloring Album" and "Diana-The People's Princess." I am not really sure how I aquired these, I think my Grandma gave them to me. On the inside they are complete with stories on the left some entitled "The Wedding," "The Honeymoon," etc. The other one talks about her life as a princess. I love how they cover the divorce between Princess Di and Prince Charles. They say "Sadly, their marriage could not survive the stresses of royal life." Even the coloring book is very diplomatically handled, with the next title being "A Princess On Her Own." Anyway each story is accompanied by a picture on the right for you to color in. All of the pics are not colored in, so apperantly I never got the urge to color in Princess Di's hair blue or Prince Charles giant ears purple. Too bad, really, I think I would have enjoyed that now. I guess I must have gotten them right after her death in 1997, in honor of her death. So I was 10, slightly passed coloring book age. However, if you know me at all you know that coloring was never cut off at any age for me. I still ask for a kids menu to color on to this day. Anyway, I just thought that it was an interesting thing to own and a interesting way to commemorate someone's life. When I die I want a coloring book made about my life! Remember that people.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Apparently I have the gift.....
Of locating sprinklers that is. My mom apperantly "lost" six of her sprinklers in the grass in our yard so she thought I should go out and find them. I gave it a shot and found 5 of them!! (The 6th one still eludes me) So according to my mom I have "the gift," that only our gardner Jose and I possess. After that she decided that the whole family should clean out the garage, not only for organizational purposes, but also to provide space for the extra boxes I will be storing here while I am home for the summer. I love to organize and I didn't mind the cleaning part until my mom called me a baby for being freaked out by a spider. However, did I mention she was holding the spider and chasing me with it!!! Yeah, no, so not cool.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
One more reason to hate the laundry room......
Ok so I understand that cell phones are a distration. Therefore they should not be used while driving, operating heavy machinery, etc. But what I do not understand is how it can prevent you from doing landry?! Already I have to deal with the stupid people in the lauindry room who wash or dry their clothes and then just leave their stuff there. Sometimes for days!!! Come on people its laundry its not that hard. But today I have encountered a new level of stupidity in the laundry room.
So here is the scene: I go in there to do a wash, and there are no washers left. I see that there are a few washers that are done so logically people should be coming to pick up their stuff and move it to the dryers. So I wait two minutes and a girl comes in, playing with her cell phone. She walks ALL the way around the table (the slowest way to get to her dryer) then starts to put her stuff into the dryer. So I think "Yay a washer is open!" Um yeah, no. Mid-transit of clothing she gets distracted by her phone walks out of the laundry room and into the computer lab across the hall and proceeds to log onto the computer. So she has a washer and dryer open with half her stuff in each. What!?!? Who does that? Seriously how do you get that distracted? Anyway, the other girl in the laundry room and I give eachother a confused look and she goes into the comp lab and requests that the girl come back and give up her washer. So she moves her stuff while giving me a dirty look! Excuse me but I think you are the one that has the issue since you can't even do laundry without being distracted. By your cell phone! This is something I will definitly not miss by moving home for the summer. Ok rant over...
So here is the scene: I go in there to do a wash, and there are no washers left. I see that there are a few washers that are done so logically people should be coming to pick up their stuff and move it to the dryers. So I wait two minutes and a girl comes in, playing with her cell phone. She walks ALL the way around the table (the slowest way to get to her dryer) then starts to put her stuff into the dryer. So I think "Yay a washer is open!" Um yeah, no. Mid-transit of clothing she gets distracted by her phone walks out of the laundry room and into the computer lab across the hall and proceeds to log onto the computer. So she has a washer and dryer open with half her stuff in each. What!?!? Who does that? Seriously how do you get that distracted? Anyway, the other girl in the laundry room and I give eachother a confused look and she goes into the comp lab and requests that the girl come back and give up her washer. So she moves her stuff while giving me a dirty look! Excuse me but I think you are the one that has the issue since you can't even do laundry without being distracted. By your cell phone! This is something I will definitly not miss by moving home for the summer. Ok rant over...
Friday, May 19, 2006
Can we have it all?
While watching my daily dose of Sex and the City, the show made me think of a very interesting point. Since birth modern women are told we can be anything we want, and do anything we want. We can choose to be a doctor, lawyer, flight attendant, circus performer, what ever we want. We can get anything delivered to us at any time and we never have to leave the house. We have it pretty good. So my question is, have we been spoiled by choices? Since we have so many options in life I think we may have created a society for ourselves where women have too many choices, causing us to lose our ability to chose and therefore choosing the default of nothing.
After all, once we choose something that means that yet another option dissolves. I know for myself and I think most women that they have mastered the other parts of their lives such as their career, education, friendships, but not relationships. This can be related to almost anything, but in this case I am centering it on relationships. Personally, I have a really hard time settling down. I guess I am so used to being on my own and independent. I have had the opportunity to be with some great guys, but in every instance I chose to not be with them. Why do I do this? I could choose to be happy, but instead I choose to be alone. I think that there may be something wrong with me.
After all, once we choose something that means that yet another option dissolves. I know for myself and I think most women that they have mastered the other parts of their lives such as their career, education, friendships, but not relationships. This can be related to almost anything, but in this case I am centering it on relationships. Personally, I have a really hard time settling down. I guess I am so used to being on my own and independent. I have had the opportunity to be with some great guys, but in every instance I chose to not be with them. Why do I do this? I could choose to be happy, but instead I choose to be alone. I think that there may be something wrong with me.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Tuna from Ecuador????
While I was making my tuna salad sandwhich today I looked at the back of my tuna package and noticed that it said, "Product of Ecuador." Wait-what?!?!? Maybe I'm missing something but I didn't know tuna came from ecuador. I mean it's a tiny country the size of Nevada, in South America with only 1,390 miles of coastline, that doesn't scream TUNA to me. I checked out the CIA World Factbook and it does show that fish is one of Ecuador's agricultural products, but it is second to last on the list. Tapioca, pigs, and sheep beat out tuna on the list. I have nothing against Ecuador its self I just don't know if I am comfortable with my tuna coming from there, it just confuses me.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Happy Birthday to Me!
So Monday, May 1st is my birthday and I am sooo excited! I love birthdays, they are the best. I am claiming this whole weekend as my birthday weekend. To be devoted to fun and birthday festivities. I can't wait, in an hour after class the fun begins!!
Monday, April 24, 2006
Group Projects Suck
They really do. Especially when you have what seems like the world's stupidest group. Seriously, how hard is it to just send someone your information? It's not like you really have to do any work. You just email it to them so they can do it. Of course, my group, being the geniuses they are, decided to send me everything at the end of spring break so I had no way to work on it until I got back. Now that I've finished it, it's too late for us to have someone's mom do it because she left for San Diego. If people had just sent me their stuff earlier it would have been done and we would have the copies done by now but no. Now we're scrambling trying to figure out who can take it to kinko's but it seems like everyone else can't do it. I really don't have time to do it because I was working on trying to do the pamphlet instead of practicing my speech but now everyone else will have their oral presentations done and my whole part will be screwed up. I really do hate them right now. I don't have time to go to Kinko's tonight. I need to work on my own assignments. Arg.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Love Monkey
I have fallen "in like" with this tv show called Love Monkey. Its about a record executive named Tom Farrell who is fired from his corporate job and goes to work for an independent label. The writing is awesome, very witty and funny. The sad part is that it is already cancelled and will never come back. It was created by CBS but failed for some reason. It is a really good show with a great cast (like the guy from Ed, the friend in 13 Going On 30, and that other guy from 90210).
Personally, I think the name is what killed it. I mean if you flip through your tv guide to see what is on and you see "love monkey" its not exactly something you think you need to check out. However, even though it was cancelled the fans lobbyed for it to come back. Sadly it won't be coming back, EVER, but Vh1 has chosen to show the episodes that were made. Last tuesday they showed the first three episodes marathon style, and now they are going to show the next five never before aired episodes every tuesday. So I will at least get to see those, but this still makes me sad. Well I hope that whatever Tom Cavanaugh is in next will be just as good. So everyone watch the remaining shows and give support!
Personally, I think the name is what killed it. I mean if you flip through your tv guide to see what is on and you see "love monkey" its not exactly something you think you need to check out. However, even though it was cancelled the fans lobbyed for it to come back. Sadly it won't be coming back, EVER, but Vh1 has chosen to show the episodes that were made. Last tuesday they showed the first three episodes marathon style, and now they are going to show the next five never before aired episodes every tuesday. So I will at least get to see those, but this still makes me sad. Well I hope that whatever Tom Cavanaugh is in next will be just as good. So everyone watch the remaining shows and give support!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Ode to Sea Monkies
Now that my sea monkies are officially dead I feel that I should make them a small tribute. They were good pets, quiet, low maintenance. I looked forward to taking care of them and watching them grow from a speck of dust to the size of a crumb. I know George also enjoyed the time he spent babysitting them for me over break. Sorry I killed you sea monkies, I shouldn't have stopped feeding you. This is why we are not allowed to have pets in the dorms...or maybe this is why I should not be allowed to have pets. I know you all aready think I am sadistic for ending their innocent lives, but let's put it this way, better luck next time to my next pet.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Blondes Going Into Extinction!?!?!?
The other day I was watching the Colbert Report (oh how I love that show, I think I would marry Steven Colbert if I could) and he began talking about a report put out by the World Health Organization that blondes will be extinct in the next 200 years! So as a blonde myself I started to freak out. Would my kind one day be extinct? I mean this is the WHO saying this, not some tabloid, AND it was published in the New York Times, a reputible newspaper. So of course I did a little investigative reporting into the matter and found out that the story was a hoax. However, I still found this idea interesting. So I decided to read the articles and reports and this is what I found out:
According to a study done by experts in Germany all blondes will be extinct by the year 2202. find it ironic that the study was done by Germans, lovers of all things aryan, even though in reality most of the aryan race was brunette, but whatever. The BBC News article also states these experts "predict the last truly natural blonde will be born in Finland - the country with the highest proportion of blondes." They say that there are simply not enough blondes left in the world to perpetuate the gene past another two centuries. They even go on to blame women who dye their hair blonde, so called "bottle blondes," for stealing away the men that natural blonde women need to continue the race, lol.
The Times Online took the story far back in time, to the caveman, with their article "Cavegirls Were First Blondes to Have Fun." In the article they explain that "north European women evolved blonde hair and blue eyes at the end of the Ice Age to make them stand out from their rivals at a time of fierce competition for scarce males" when men were hunter-gatherers and often did not return from long hunting trips. "The increase in competition for males led to rapid change as women struggled to evolve the most alluring qualities......this theory is supported by studies which show blonde hair is an indicator for high oestrogen levels in women." This part is crazy interesting in my opinion, because I would never have thought of that. So thanks to my blonde loving caveman ancestors I am blonde today =)
My other discovery was in regards to how blondes are percieved. As I read about the extinction of blondes I began to wonder, if blondes are going to be extinct, does this also mean that blonde jokes will die off as well? What a tragedy that would be (ahem, sarcasm). Wikipedia suggests that we associate blonde hair with young children, causing us to assume adult blondes are unintelligent (idk if i believe that, but whatever). I think everyone has blonde moments, however, us blondes are just pinned with the stereotype. Some of this stereotype is attributed to "Marilyn Monroe and Jean Harlow, known as 'the Blond Bombshell' and 'the Original Blond Bombshell', respectively. Both frequently portrayed 'classic' dumb blondes in their films, yet were known privately as intelligent women. Jean Harlow is often credited as being the person who made it acceptable in Western culture for ordinary women to artificially bleach their hair blonde without being perceived as prostitutes." Thank you Jean Harlow for making it acceptable for women to dye their hair and not be considered a prostitute, because without you us natural blondes might be mistaken for those hair dying whores ;)
So I suggest we look into the "selective breeding program to save blondes" suggested by the brilliant and hilarious Steven Colbert. My advice to all you males out there is, if you're blonde, marry a blonde and save the race, and if your brunette, marry a blonde, this may be your only chance. Get one while they last =)-TINK
According to a study done by experts in Germany all blondes will be extinct by the year 2202. find it ironic that the study was done by Germans, lovers of all things aryan, even though in reality most of the aryan race was brunette, but whatever. The BBC News article also states these experts "predict the last truly natural blonde will be born in Finland - the country with the highest proportion of blondes." They say that there are simply not enough blondes left in the world to perpetuate the gene past another two centuries. They even go on to blame women who dye their hair blonde, so called "bottle blondes," for stealing away the men that natural blonde women need to continue the race, lol.
The Times Online took the story far back in time, to the caveman, with their article "Cavegirls Were First Blondes to Have Fun." In the article they explain that "north European women evolved blonde hair and blue eyes at the end of the Ice Age to make them stand out from their rivals at a time of fierce competition for scarce males" when men were hunter-gatherers and often did not return from long hunting trips. "The increase in competition for males led to rapid change as women struggled to evolve the most alluring qualities......this theory is supported by studies which show blonde hair is an indicator for high oestrogen levels in women." This part is crazy interesting in my opinion, because I would never have thought of that. So thanks to my blonde loving caveman ancestors I am blonde today =)
My other discovery was in regards to how blondes are percieved. As I read about the extinction of blondes I began to wonder, if blondes are going to be extinct, does this also mean that blonde jokes will die off as well? What a tragedy that would be (ahem, sarcasm). Wikipedia suggests that we associate blonde hair with young children, causing us to assume adult blondes are unintelligent (idk if i believe that, but whatever). I think everyone has blonde moments, however, us blondes are just pinned with the stereotype. Some of this stereotype is attributed to "Marilyn Monroe and Jean Harlow, known as 'the Blond Bombshell' and 'the Original Blond Bombshell', respectively. Both frequently portrayed 'classic' dumb blondes in their films, yet were known privately as intelligent women. Jean Harlow is often credited as being the person who made it acceptable in Western culture for ordinary women to artificially bleach their hair blonde without being perceived as prostitutes." Thank you Jean Harlow for making it acceptable for women to dye their hair and not be considered a prostitute, because without you us natural blondes might be mistaken for those hair dying whores ;)
So I suggest we look into the "selective breeding program to save blondes" suggested by the brilliant and hilarious Steven Colbert. My advice to all you males out there is, if you're blonde, marry a blonde and save the race, and if your brunette, marry a blonde, this may be your only chance. Get one while they last =)-TINK
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Cupcakes are Hott ;)
So did you know that Starbucks sells cupcakes now?? Did they always?? Cuz I really doubt that I would have overlooked that fact. As an avid cupcake eater, I would like to think that I would have noticed this right off that bat. Anyway, all I know is that I was really, I mean REALLY excited to discover this today. Not only did I order a fantastically delicious white chocolate hot chocolate but I got a vanilla cupcake with sprinkles. We are talking sprinkles here people! And not just a few sprinkles either, I'm talking the frosting was completely encrusted with them =) it made me happy. I was just this happy seeing the cupcake, I was even more elated to discover upon eating th cupcake that it was amazing! Seriously one of the best cupcake's ever. And did I mention that there was chocolate too, with chocolate frosting and choclate shavings. So of course I must return to Starbucks very very soon (like tomorrow) and test out the chocolate ones. This makes perfect sense right? I hope this makes everyone want to go out and eat a cupcake! Cuz cupcakes are hott!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
KFC is for lovers
So, in honor of Tink being bitter this Valentine's Day, she decided that she wanted a giant bucket of chicken to commemorate the day. Off we went to KFC, thinking that there would be no one there. You would think that most people would be celebrating the day with the person they love, most likely at a romantic restaurant. At least, this is what I would like if I had someone special (the fancy restaurant-not KFC). As it turns out, many people go to KFC (probably under the same assumption we had) on Valentine's Day. So, Tink ordered her giant bucket o' chicken and is now eating it in the living room with the bucket on her lap. She looks lovely, really.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Pineapple Express
The best advice is always free advice, well at least at Wal-Mart anyway. This is what I have learned in a nutshell after today. While looking for soft foods that I can eat post wisdom teeth surgery, I ran into this lady who works at a dentist's office (she looked like she worked at a dentist's office too, if that's possible, but I think we all know the look I'm talking about). My dentist did a really great job at removing my wisdom teeth, because I never experienced any pain afterwards and I'm healing really fast. However, they did a poor job of explaining when I could start eating what, when it was ok to use a straw, etc. Who knew that reaching for the pineapple would result in an opportunity to answer all my current dental questions? Just by asking to hand me the pineapple she immediately assumed that I had just gotten my wisdom teeth pulled. Do I have a sign on my forehead that says so or something? Because I'm definitely not swollen enough to tell. Anyway, she explained that taking penicilin after surgery was normal (I now think that I am allergic to penicilin now btw), and that I should already be able to drink from a straw with no worries. Nutmeg laughed at me afterward because of how fast I jumped at the chance to pummel the women with questions. Hey what was I supposed to do, its the weekend and my dentist hasn't gotten back to me yet?!? Desperate times called for desperate measures!
Welcome Everyone!
Welcome to our page. We are Nutmeg and Tink. We got tired of myspace blogs and decided to get creative.
We're both in college right now studying English and Communications, respectively. We have a lot of fun as roommates and decided to share it with the rest of the world. Besides, this is probably the closest we'll get to our own reality show, which we should totally have, by the way. Weird, random things always happen when we're around.
We love to eat out so there will be a lot of restaurant reviews here. Stay tuned to learn more.
We're both in college right now studying English and Communications, respectively. We have a lot of fun as roommates and decided to share it with the rest of the world. Besides, this is probably the closest we'll get to our own reality show, which we should totally have, by the way. Weird, random things always happen when we're around.
We love to eat out so there will be a lot of restaurant reviews here. Stay tuned to learn more.
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