Saturday, June 02, 2007

I just ate a fortune cookie for breakfast....

I don't know if it is that fact that I just moved and really have no food or if it is that I am too lazy to go downstairs and get cereal, but the fortune cookie next to me started to look pretty good around 9:30 am. So I ate it! I wonder what else is unboxed in my room thatis edible??

Anyway, I am all settled into the townhouse for those of you who were wondering when I was moving or what part of the transition I was in. Basically all of my stuff is here but none if it is in its correct place. We still have half a fouton downstairs and boxes in the garage preventing us from being able to park our cars inside. And we haven't set up our utilities yet, so no cable or paying for our own water and electricity, however I am able to steal internet from my boyfriends house two doors down lol. Oh well, eventually we will get this place into normal living capacity. For now everyone is welcome to drop by and visit/check out the new place (this is your formal invitation). Come visit the mess, and ME =)



Anonymous said...

so I think I speak for everyone here when I say: WHAT WAS THE FORTUNE?!

Justin said...

Ha, yes. It must have been profound considering your recent change.

Sara said...

actually the fortune was about "finding your center at home" lol I loved it

Anonymous said...

Ha, nice fortune. Can't wait to see the new place.